Our family at the Ward Halloween Party. Warren went as Robbin, not from Batman and Robbin, but Robbin from Teen Titans. By the way, I hate my hair, any suggestions you have for me would be great.
Is it just me, or does she look really good in black.
Halloween morning we made pancakes and then cupcakes for the ward Halloween party. How cute is Max, so sweet. One pancake is a bat and the other is a witch.
I debated on weather or not to dress her up this year, but then I saw this costume online at Childrens Place and had to have it. Karen Dewy picked it up for me at the store. Auri loves wearing it, I can’t wait to take her to the Ward Halloween party to show her off! Have I mentioned that I love having a GIRL?!
This is probably boring for all of you, but I love this tree in the fall! It is in my backyard and it is what I see from all the bedrooms upstairs and what I see from my kitchen window. Color like this only comes once a year.
Max wanted to be Hulk for Halloween to match his bed set, so on Saturday we went and got him his costume. We are trying to decide if he should wear a mask, or if we should paint his face green.