Saturday, December 10, 2011


I was reading one of my favorite blogs, (NYC Taught ME) and she said that apparently you do have to post photos of your tree either on your blog or on facebook, and since I don't want 280 something of my "closest friends" seeing my living room and family room, I'm posting them on my blog. So here they are.

You also might notice that some of them are blurry, my goal this Christmas is to not be perfect or care that things are not perfect or even finished because that's what I remember about last Christmas, the stress. So this year, my motto's is either "pretend to care" because it matters to Warren or "I don't care".

I do however like the blurriness because it makes the Christmas lights look like hearts.


JAG said...

love all of your trees!!! love the blury photos too....look more magical.

just pretend to care :) i should take up that motto!

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

The photos are awesome. I love the trees!!!!! I love your motto, too.