On a similar note, I heard that facebook is one of the main contributors to depression according to a recent poll. I guess people look at everyone elses smiling photos on facebook and happy funny status updates and thus they conclude that everyone else has a much happier life than they do.
So in the interest of full disclosure I will give you the complete and honest facts of our Beach trip.
Fact: We fit 9 kids and 3 adults into 2 cars, it's a good thing we didn't get pulled over.
Fact: I couldn't have made it without my ipod. (Again, I think it's illegal to drive with headphones in, but it has to be more illegal to hit your kids while driving)
Fact: I don't do well on 4 hours of sleep.
Fact: The kids never really fought.
Fact: Even though when I got home I couldn't wait to get out of my house for some alone time, even if it was only to go and get my oil changed, I still talked on the phone to my sister the whole time.
Love this post! I always vent on my blog - maybe not a good idea, but everyone knows about all our crap! That picture of Auri in the group of kids just above the note about getting 4 hours of sleep - she looks a little wasted too! I sure am glad for my king size bed with no kids in it when I really need some rest!!!
Great post!! I loved all the facts, and I think the show is SUCH a great idea! I would totally watch. I am not surprised about facebook/depression, either. People only post "cool" stuff, and I recently saw a poll about what percentage of facebook posts are actually MADE UP (lies)! So we're all getting depressed about not being as good as someone else... who isn't actually that good, either.
What great pictures! Sounds like an awesome trip, but I know what you mean about the sleep and the alone time. Those are the two toughest things for me on vacations. Somebody ends up grumpy due to lack of sleep, and half the time it's me. Plus I just get too exhausted being "on" all the time, and I need to sit in a closet for some alone time now and again. ;) Love all the gorgeous pictures!!
Oh, and I also wanted to say that I loved your "fact" about ipod/headphones/hitting kids in the car. That was so funny. (And I've had the very same things cross my mind.)
I just scrolled through this again because Mary was missing Auri so I found her picture to show her - Then I shed a little tear for her hair! It will grow. I did a similar thing to my own hair about a month after Nate and I got married. NICE huh! I cried about it for probably 20 hours and then resorted to things like electric shock treatments on my scalp to make it grow faster. I don't think anything worked but time. It always grows back - slowly which is the hardest thing for the impatient like me!
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