Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Number 7, The Rasberry Festival, Check.

I completed number 7 on my Summer things to do list, which was attend a food festival. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I am counting it. I wanted to go to the Portland Food Festival, but we were in Utah that weekend so when my in-laws told me they had rented a boat on Bear Lake and the Raspberry Festival was the same day I was delighted. Here are the highlights. We stopped for lunch before the boat ride.

We went to the Raspberry Festival afterwards.

Max took these lovely photos.

Who knew Utah had white sand beaches.

1 comment:

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

Cool pictures! The white sand beach is really something!!! I NEVER would have guessed that photo was from Utah if you'd asked me! :) I think the raspberry festival sounds awesome--I LOVE raspberries!